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C.I.A.B 18xPT

T f T


Cabecilha » » Flipado » » RozáriaS » » americo/AmericA » » and then some...

« « the red variation of the work on the left was exhibited


as part of a group show in 2016 » »

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Opus 1198.jpg

our (long lasting) series

» censorship is a bitch «

» photorealism is a beach «

Each individual work is an OPUS followed by a number (or number and additional letter for variations). 

As an example, the work shown above is OPUS 1198. 

In the early works, each opus was presented on its own and sold separately. Then, themes started to emerge on various works and they worked better together... therefore, mini-series of different formats were the consequence.


Our motto (or the purpose to make our art) is found in the text we add to every opus. It started with a plain “flipados team” which acts more as a signature than an artists statement. But then it evolved according to the problems we encountered and the mood of the moment. Let’s see some examples chronologically:

  • censored by flipados team

  • Censored by: the flipados team redneck US marshals, the Federal Bureau of Indignity, & Zette »» my fashion (and political) blog that was banned on FaceBook and PhotoBlog

  • FLIPADOS.TEAM..-…the very fine ART of DIGITAL COLLAGE!!! (sources: w.W.W. ,analog & digital files from our co-editors, no stolen goods, no money € laundering, no subject will ever be tabu, taboo, juju or sacred cow, all things will pass and respect such as ignorance is bliss)ALL RIGHTS RESER VED @ Flipados Team Worldwide Holding Corp.

  • [ «FLIPADOS TEAM« ... [the very fine ART of DIGITAL COLLAGE] ... ѽ©ѽ [(sources: the w.W.w., analog & digital files from our co-editors, no stolen goods, no € $ ¥ money laundering, respect A and $ ignorance is bliss)] ѽ©ѽ presenting the enduring and persevering series µ© CENSORSHIP IS A BITCH ©µ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED @ Flipados Team worldwide holding corp. ¶ Censored by: T.f.T. = The fLIPADOS Team (they are: Cabecilha, Flipado, RozáriaS and americo/AmericA), redneck US marshals, the Federal Bureau of Indignity, & Zette »» the fashion (and political) blog that was banned on FaceBook and PhotoBlog ˜]

  • [«THE FLIPADOS TEAM« ... [the very fine ART of DIGITAL COLLAGE] ... ˜CENSORSHIP IS A BITCH M˜ ©©VANTAG Inc.©© ↑(Censored ý by: T.f.T. = Cabecilha, Flipado, RozáriaS and americo/AmericA)7 ]

  • [«THE FLIPADOS TEAM« ... [the very fine ART of DIGITAL COLLAGE] ... ˜photorealism IS A BeaCH M˜ ©©VANTAG Inc.©©  ↑(Censored ý by: T.f.T. = Cabecilha, Flipado, RozáriaS and americo/AmericA)7 ]

Home: About Us
octopus dali.jpg

the formats

Opus, octopus and 18X

tHE fLIPADOS tEAM present their digital collages in several formats beyond the individual OPUS. One opus should tell a story but sometimes it is only a fleeting moment in a longer story. So we have FINOPUS (3 opera displayed together horizontally or 4 opera vertically framed) and for even longer stories or persevering themes tHE fLIPADOS paralleled their friend, the OCTOPUS (that's 8 opera all at once). For neverending sagas of epic duration we have the mega format: 18X (no need to tell you how many opera there, right?)

As another example, the work on the right is OCTOPUS gr8/1 and the first work presented high above on the site is an 18X (the red variation of that particular work was exhibited @ MUSEU NACIONAL SOARES DOS REIS, in Porto - Portugal, as part of a group show).



OPUS (30 cm x 40 cm), FINOPUS & OCTOPUS

1) Digital collage, lambda print on photographic paper, signed and stamped

2) Additionally, they can be framed in black, or white, or light wood with glass or acrylic

18X (150 cm x 100 cm)

Digital collage, lambda print on photographic paper, mounted on dibond aluminium


Printing originals

Although original work is something printed no more than seven times (a convention of the art world) we @ VANTAG decided to limit that to 5 prints available for sale (the other 2 being artist's proofs).

So, Vantag's guarantee is that we have 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/5 (and then AP 1 and AP 2).


(You can see photos of some of these features - below - in the " + info" section)

Home: Mission


€ 50,00 » » € 250,00 (framing + € 30,00)

Home: Classes

OPUS 001

F.U.'s logo by Anjan Sarkar


the themes


Within the 15 hundred works we have done so far as part of the 2 enduring and persevering mottos (censorship is a bitch & photorealism is a beach) there were relevant subjects that led to the creation of series and help define the works better.

OPUS 1198, already mentioned, is part of the "flipado's PSYCHO news" series and the 18X of museum fame is part of the "OP art" series. Other significant series from the past are:

- when worlds collide

- free the nipple (like opus 1028 below)

- read instead

- biiiite me grrrrab me

- love potion

- play it cool

- bizarro code

- don't follow me

- mental demons

- grown ups enjoy

- art bits

- what me worry

- cheer

- click!

- friends never

- milking to music

- sigh how embarrassing

- popular stories for girls

- F. U. flipados university

- Flipados AD-vice

- Flipados PSYCHO news

- Flipados latrine gazette

- lawsuit with that

- vices & jerks

- think robot

- philo IZ

... ... | ... ...

diap 1028.jpg
Home: Values


€ 100,00 » » € 500,00 (framing + € 40,00)

Home: Classes

FINOPUS 3 Horizontal

"OP art" series


18X (the mega works) teasers

€ 1.500,00 » » € 5.000,00

Home: Classes
Painel 16 1000x1500 by TfTa.jpg

18X Flipados AD-vice

first of the media trilogy

Painel 17 1000x1500 by TfTa.jpg

18x Flipados Latrine Gazette

part of the media trilogy

Painel 18 1000x1500 by TfTa.jpg

18x Flipados PSYCHO news

part of the media trilogy 

will be part of a group show in 2018 @ FUNDAÇÃO MANUEL ANTÓNIO DA MOTA, Porto - Portugal


18X grrrrab me biiiite me

the return of the real octopus



enter at your own risk



ants, bugs and toilet seats



censorship is a bitch 

exhibited @ GALERIA MUNICIPAL DE MATOSINHOS  as part of a group show in 2017


18X don't follow me

I'm lost 2 in the color purple


18X welding

welding your way into perfection


Ready to join our client list? Contact us today.

R. Calouste Gulbenkian, 223
4050-145 PORTO

+351 22 609 0996

Thanks for submitting!

Home: Contact

VANTAG galeria published several booklets with flipados works


Home: News

IMAGINE postcards

by VANTAG galeria

Several collections of "IMAGINE postcards by VANTAG" were dedicated to tHE fLIPADOS tEAM

T f T's logo and the product it inspired


Home: Portfolio
V1 colagem.jpg

design products by VANTAG

V 1 and variations

Designed by Jorge Cardoso, developed by João Carlo and produced by the sculptor Ângelo Ribeiro, V 1 is part of VANTAG galeria's line of design products.

The basicc V 1, seen here in 2 versions (black - far left - and rust brown - below left) is the perfect place to leave paper correspondence or messages &  your keys. V 1a (above left) is a variation, with 3 logos welded together at an angle. Great to keep business cards and pens.

additional info

photos of features mentioned above


additional framing

framed in black, or white, or light wood with glass or acrylic


Flipados STAMP

on every OPUS


title and signature

on each OPUS



101 cm x 71 cm (side strip for signature, stamp and pink authentication tickets)



(the bigger size... so far)


mounted on dibond aluminium

all-round metal profile for resistence and hanging


artwork tags

artist, title, year, size, medium, price


non-framed delivery also available

ask for quotes!

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